Yoga and Mental Health

Summer 2024
Class number

Instructor: Contact Dr. Jennifer Stuart ( for more information

Meeting time: Mondays; 5:00-8:00pm
Location: UF Counseling and Wellness Center – 3190 Radio Rd.

Course Description

Though popular culture equates yoga with exercise, at its core yoga philosophy offers a roadmap through the suffering that comes with being human.

Through personal practice, readings, and class discussion, students will explore basic yoga philosophy including the yamas and niyamas, the five koshas, and the nature of the mind and mental distress. Students will learn how these concepts relate to Western concepts in psychotherapy including polyvagal theory, interoceptive awareness, and psychological resilience.

The court is most well-suited for graduate students in helping professions (counseling, psychology, etc.) or with some interest and background in clinical work. Yoga experience is not required.

“Yoga is the cessations of the fluctuations of the mind.” ~ Yoga Sutras 1.2

“Yoga is about clearing away whatever is in us that prevents our living in the most full and whole way.” ~ Cybele Tomlinson