Title of UFCSH talk: “Demeter, Buddha and the Bears: The Ancient Roots of Contemporary Spiritual Healing”
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Eleusian Mysteries, the story of Demeter and her daughter Persephone, was the most important art and healing ritual for consciousness transformation in history. It was enacted in ancient Greece for 2000 years. The Tibetan Buddha realms provide the technology of guided imagery and were the high point of body, mind, and spirit technology for thousands of years. The Bear Dance conducted currently in southern California has healed the Chumash people for thousands of years. These three rituals help us understand how we can heal patients with spiritual tools in present day medicine. Michael Samuels, M.D, is currently working with all three forms to develop a contemporary spiritual technology to aid in healing patients today.
This lecture is about spiritual healing with patients. We talk about healing the whole patient, body, mind, spirit. How do we actually heal spirit? How does a physician, nurse, acupuncturist, massage therapist work with intention on the spiritual level with patients? As we move towards a futuristic medicine that will heal the whole patient- we will need to incorporate spiritual technologies such as art and healing, guided imagery and shamanism that can directly address spirit with intent. If spirit is not addressed, healing is incomplete and not as effective.