Title of UFCSH talk: “Healing Words and Music: An Evening with David Wilcox”
Thursday, Oct. 4th, 2012
Title of UFCSH talk: “Musical Medicine: An Experiential Workshop”
Thursday, Oct. 4th, 2012
Throughout human history, music has been used to communicate, to celebrate, to evoke feelings, and to promote healing. Modern medical research is showing how connected our brains and our bodies are to music, and is confirming its curative qualities.
The nationally recognized Arts in Medicine program at UF&Shands, one of the first of its kind in the country, remains a leader in the use of expressive arts in healthcare. In this comprehensive three-hour workshop, you will hear about the latest research involving music and medicine, learn techniques for the therapeutic use of music and poetry, and experience firsthand the power of prescriptive music.
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Indicate the origins and history of the use of arts in medicine.
- Recognize the medicinal qualities of expressive arts therapy.
- Identify the physiological and psychological benefits of music and poetry therapy.
- Appreciate the healing power of therapeutic music and poetry.
Workshop facilitators:
Mary Rockwood Lane, PhD, RN, FAAN is co-founder and director emeritus of the UF&Shands Arts in Medicine program and an associate professor in the UF College of Nursing. She is an artist and the co-author of numerous books on creativity and spirituality in healthcare, including Creative Healing, Spirit-Body Healing, and Shaman Wisdom. Shaman Healing.
Cathy DeWitt is the music coordinator and musician-in-residence for the UF&Shands Arts in Medicine program. She is a national consultant for the Society for the Arts in Healthcare, and a performing multi-instrumentalist and vocalist. Her latest CD is called The Traveler: New Music to the Words of James Dillet Freeman.
David Forest, MSW, MLA is a substance abuse therapist at UF&Shands Florida Recovery Center. He incorporates therapeutic music and poetry into his work with patients and is currently writing a book on the use of popular music in personal growth work, featuring the music of David Wilcox.
David Wilcox is a gifted guitar player, singer/songwriter and recording artist. While he has sold more than 750,000 albums, music is more than a living for him, it’s a way of life and a path to healing. Dispensing personalized musical medicine is a natural outgrowth of his own spiritual journey.
This program has been approved for 3.0 clinical hours of continuing education for psychologists, nurses, clinical social workers, mental health counselors, and marriage and family therapists by the University of Florida and the UF Counseling & Wellness Center.