Yosaif August
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Creating Sacred Space for Patient Healing”
James H. Austin
Title of UFCSH Talk: :Meditating Selflessly: Practical Neural Zen”
Coleman Barks
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Rumi’s Poetry and Music”
Sandra Bertman
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Last Rights/Last Rites: Meaning-making and Decision-making at the End of Life”
Sylvia Boorstein
Titles of UFCSH Talks:”Open Heart Meditation: Practice and Conversation with Sylvia Boorstein” and “The Art and Science of Changing Yourself: Demystifying Spiritual Practice”
Joan Borysenko
Title of UFCSH Talk: “The Wisdom of the Heart: Social Connectedness and Healing”
Robert Browning and Sheva Carr
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Healing with the Heart”
Robert Carter
Title of UFCSH Talk:”Encounter with Enlightenment: What Can We Learn From Buddhist Ethics?”
Thomas R. Cole
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Anatomy and Humanity: Conversations Between Donors and Dissectors”
Allan Combs
Title of UFCSH Talk: “The Evolution of Spirit and Consciousness”
Stephen Cook
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Psychosocial Issues and Cardiac Health”
Ram Dass
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Still Here”
Jorge Ferrer
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Transpersonal Psychology and the Future of Religion: A Participatory Vision for the 21st Century”
John Fox
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Writing from Spirit”
Matthew Fox
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Religion, Spirituality and Ecology: The 21st Century”
Harris Friedman
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Analysis of the Challenges Inherent in Research on the Topic of Spirituality and Health”
Shefa Gold
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Sacred Song and Healing”
Jim Gordon
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Self-care is the Heart of All Health Care”
John Graham-Pole
Title of UFCSH Talk: “What’s known, what’s real, what’s good: Reflections on 40 Years of Science and Art in Medicine”
John Graham-Pole and Dorothy Lander
Title of UFCSH Talk: “End of life”: before, during, after…
Arthur Green
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Judaism in an Environmental Age: Kabbalah for the Future”
Alex Grey
Titles of UFCSH Talks: “Art as a Spiritual and Healing Path” and Transfigurations: An Evening with Alex Grey”
Alex Grey and Allyson Grey
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Net of Being- Talk and Booksigning”
Robert Hall
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Approach to Health”
Gina Rose Halpern
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Art and the Spirit”
Philip M. Hellmich
Title of UFCSH Talk: “The Search for Common Ground: Applying Spiritual Principles to Transform Conflict”
Asna Husin
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Cultivating the Heart: A Muslim Perspective”
Shaya Isenberg
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Freedom, Spirituality, and Terror” in response to 9/11
Shaya Isenberg and Larry Reimer
Title of UFCSH Talk: “In Recovery from the Election: Healing the Wounds, Win or Lose”
Robert Ivker
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Overview of Holistic Medicine”
Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR): Implications for Spirituality and Health”
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Coming to Our Senses: Living Life As If It Really Mattered”
Harold Koenig
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Religion, Spirit and Healing”
Kiran Kumar
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Spirituality and Well-being: Hindu Perspectives”
Les Lancaster
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Transpersonal Psychology: Towards a Science of the Sacred”
Mary Rockwood Lane
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Seeking the Divine Feminine Through Art and Healing”
Elizabeth Lesser
Title of UFCSH Talk: “The New American Spirituality: A Seeker’s Guide”
Jeff Levin
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Epidemiological Reflections on Spirituality”
Bo Lozoff
Title of UFCSH Talk: “An evening with Bo Lozoff: It’s a meaningful life – It just takes practice”
Carol Ludwig
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Spiritual Direction: Ancient Roots, Contemporary Resurgence”
Alastair McIntosh
Titles of UFCSH Talks: “Reclaiming Native Land Rights in Scotland: Reversing the Highland Clearances While Restoring the Land and Celtic Identity” and “Celtic Indigenous Insights on Cultural, Personal and Earth Healing”
Robin Meyers
Titles of UFCSH Talks:
“How Quantum Physics Has Altered Our Perception of God”
“The Underground Church: Reclaiming the Subversive Way of Jesus”
“Thinking Religiously: Are Human Beings Irrational or Trans-rational?”
“UNDONE: Faith as Resistance to Orthodoxy”
“UNDONE: Faith as Resistance to Empire”
John P. Milton
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Sacred Land: Healing Through Immersion in Nature”
Thomas Moore
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Healing Body, Soul and Spirit”
Jacob Needleman
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Healing and the Eternal Questions of Life” and “Health Meaning and the Soul”
Thomas Keating
Title of UFCSH Talk: “The Experience of Centering Prayer”
James O’Dea
Title of UFCSH Talk: “The Heart of the Matter: Science and Spirituality- A Compelling Conversation About New Understanding and Possibilities”
Michael O’Neal
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Spirituality and Spaceflight”
Christina Puchalski
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Spirituality and End-of-life Care: A Time for Listening and Caring”
Kristen Raizada
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Spirituality Through Art”
Paul H. Ray and Sherry Ruth Anderson
Title of UFCSH Talk: “The Emergence of the Cultural Creatives”
Layne Redmond
Title of UFCSH Talks: “Rhythmic Wisdom, the Healing Power of Sacred Sound, Drumming and Trance” and “Invoking Our Muse”
Leonard L. Riskin
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Tools of Awareness for Dealing with Conflict”
Louis Ritz
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Neurotheology: This is your Brain on Meditation!”
Michael Samuels
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Demeter, Buddha and the Bears: The Ancient Roots of Contemporary Spiritual Healing”
Saki Santorelli
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Clinical Experience with Minfulness as a Therapautic Modality”
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
Title of UFCSH Talk: “The Contemplative World as a Source for Healing”
Hedy and Yumi Schleifer
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Journey Through Illness”
Marilyn Schlitz
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Intentional Healing: Exploring the Extended Reaches of Consciousness”
John Seed
Title of UFCSH Talks: “Protecting the Rainforests: Case Studies from Papua, New Guinea and Ecuador” and “Wild Earth, Wild Mind, Wild Heart: Experiencing Deep Ecology”
David R. Shlim
Title of UFCSH talk: “Medicine and Compassion”
Ronald D. Siegel
Title of UFCSH talk: “Befriending Fear and Pain: Mindfulness in the Treatment of Chronic Pain and Related Disorders”
Mickey Singer
Title of UFCSH Talk: “Mindfulness as a Way of Life- UF Mindfulness Day Keynote Address”
Kathleen Dowling Singh
Title of UFCSH Talk: “The Grace in Dying/The Grace in Living”
Huston Smith
Title of UFCSH Talk: “The Human Spirit in the Third Millennium” Light at the End of the Tunnel”
Elisabeth Targ
Title of UFCSH Talks: “Spirituality in Medicine and Psychiatry” and ” Research in Prayer and Distant Healing”
Bron Taylor
Title of UFCSH talk: “Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future”
Claude Anshin Thomas
Title of UFCSH Talk: “At Hell’s Gate: Ending War Living Peace”
Arthur Waskow
Title of UFCSH Talk: “9/11: How Shall We Really Heal?”
Jean Watson
Title of UFCSH Talk: “When Things of the Spirit Come First: Toward a Caring Science”
David Wilcox
Titles of UFCSH Talks: “Healing Words and Music: An Evening with David Wilcox” and “Musical Medicine: An Experiential Workshop”
Tui Wilschinsky
Title of UFCSH Talk: A Session on Dances of Universal Peace — Illuminating the Path of the Heart”